Libya is still a very conservative, Islamic society. Women, despite all government efforts, are repressed and have their freedom restricted by most of tribes, more by local traditions and culture than by religious or legal requirements. Exceptions include coastal cities and the Tuareg and Toubou tribes whose women have much greater freedom than those of Arabic tribes.
Dress is a particularly sensitive area and women visitors should cover themselves up using long skirts or trousers and dresses not revealing their shoulders when in towns. When swimming a full bathing costume is strongly recommended for women. Men should also avoid bearing themselves too much except in the more informal desert surroundings. In towns shorts are acceptable for men except when visiting religious sites or if invited to visit an Arab family. When passing or receiving any item, in particular food, the right hand should be used.
It is forbidden to bring alcohol into the country although alcohol free beer is available. Secretly many Libyans do drink some locally made excellent drinks and some drinks smuggled in from neighbouring countries.
Most officials are very helpful and friendly but be aware that this is a very carefully controlled country. At all stages the police are aware of your movements through the system of travel permits. Do not try to go against the laid down procedures.


Anonymous said...

nice blog ...but it's need more work on it, keep on it

Brave Heart said...

Sallam Asma
I dont agree with u that women in Libya are oppressed, most of women have their right to do whatever they want as far as it aligned with Islamic value, i do believe there are some backward people but not the majority, look to ur university who is the majority, look to to the schools, look to hospitals look everywhere and u'll know who is really oppressed
we are really poor men

dusk till dawn said...

salam .assma
wish u all the best in ur new blog.keep the hard work coming.u ladies in libya got more freedom then us,

karim said...

thanks for visit my blog, nice posts u made, it is so simple and sensetive, good luck lady

Herr Esharif said...

hey asma iam nt agree `e u in some points as brave heart says d women in libya day by day take alot of freedom at least as islamic values limits ....
i read knowledge on libya on foriegn website says d libya only country in d world consider boxing is violence sport sooo ths sport nt present at there ...

Super-Ego said...

Hi Asma...

Not enough the women in the military service... I think you say that... first country in the world do that...oh God ... my lady we are Libyan citizens and we know our country well and this rights as you want, it is the backwardness and the islamic value do not need some one to explain it, every woman should be know it and do it.Best regardS

Sho said...

nice blog, thanks for visiting my blog, as u see i'm lazy to write in mine blog, it's more being busy than lazy ha ha, take care and good luck for ur study..

Misratia said...

nice blog

and Happy birth day